Hi there!
We’re just three days away from launch day for Some Fancy Shit: Volume 1 and I’m really excited and I want to tell you all the things.
I finally had some free time this week to sit around and go through all the artwork that I want to put in there and I had a realization: I drew a lot more things than I realized!!
This is what 100 pages of artbook looks like. I haven’t actually formatted most of the images on there yet, hence, the weird cropping, but look at how many things are already there! That’s kind of crazy, isn’t it? What’s crazier is that that’s not even all the things I’ve drawn that I like.
I also wanted to include inks of my covers side by side with the color versions, I wanted to add in sketches that I really liked, I wanted to add in sketch covers that I’ve done, I haven’t even scanned any of my traditional art and I also wanted to add a bunch of sketch cards I made over the years. Lastly, I wanted to have some space to write a bit about each section so that it’s not just a bunch of images without context. But my 100 pages are already maxed out!
So what was I to do?
I could have either made a completely separate black and white artbook for my sketches and inks at another time, which would involve laying out a new book, setting up another Kickstarter campaign, doing another round of printing and shipping OR…
… hear me out…
OR I could just make the original artbook idea 150 pages instead of 100 pages.
I think we all know what the correct answer is here.
So, yes, that’s right, folks. Instead of launching a 100 page artbook in a few days (January 13th!) I’ll be launching a heckin chonker of a 150 page artbook! Are you excited??? I’m excited!
And without further ado, here’s a list of the rewards that will be available:
I don’t know how many new readers this campaign will draw in, since the artbook thing is really niche, but I wanted to have some options for people who aren’t familiar with my comics to jump in and catch up.
I’ll also be doing sketches on the inside cover of the physical artbook in case you feel like your limited edition artbook isn’t limited edition enough. You’ll be able to pick which (Sacrimony or Buddy and Friend) character you want, or if you can’t decide, I’ll pick for you.
I’ve also got commission tier rewards. If you’re looking for a different type of commission, such as portraits or comic covers, they’re also available as add-ons.
Last but not least, I’ve decided that I need to part with my own metal cover collection, for space reasons. I don’t have much room to store my books and instead of hoarding my metal covers in a box on a shelf and not giving them the love they deserve, I’d rather they go to a nice home that will cherish them.
As with all of my other metal covers, they will come with a fancy signed bookplate.
I think that’s everything you need to know about the campaign. As with all my campaigns, it will go live at 10:00AM ESt and will be live on January 13th.
Thanks so much, have a great weekend and I hope to see you on the 13th!