Hi there and happy Friday!
I hear this a lot from aspiring writers and even established writers: “I have this story idea in my head but it seems like something that’s already been done so I’m afraid to do it.” I’ve heard sad tales of how folks considered scrapping their childhood dream projects because it’s “probably been done already.”
If you’re one of the folks who are struggling with these thoughts, I’m here to give you permission to just do the thing anyway.
Nothing is original. In terms of art, most of the great renaissance classics are all just bible fan art. Every single painting that exists is derivative of the first cave painting of like a dude throwing a spear at a mammoth or something. Everything written is probably derivative of that time that some cave person first chiseled “unga bunga” on a stone tablet.
But on a more serious note, you can put 10 writers in a room and give them all the same prompt down to a character’s name, history, environment and even the same conflict and you will still get 10 completely different stories. Just because your idea “seems like” something that exists already doesn’t mean it won’t be unique to your own perspective and life experiences.
So even if you think your idea “has already been done” you’re the one who makes it special. So go do the thing! Be fearless! Be you!
Speaking of fearless…
Snowflake is doing really well! He had his neuter on Wednesday and has been recovering really well. He’s been an absolute sweetheart to my pal Tatiana, who was able to find a vet to see him right away and he’s coming home with me tonight where I’ll foster him until I can get him to the Pretty Paw Lounge next weekend. I’m looking forward to spending some quality time with this lad (though I’m sure Muffin and Pumpkin will be quite upset with me).
To those who helped pitch in for his medical care, I’m really grateful. It never ceases to amaze me at how generous some folks can be in these sort of emergency situations. Any money I have leftover after fostering him will be donated to the Pretty Paw Lounge as thanks for taking him in and helping find him a home.
Last but not least
I’m open for commissions and comic work. At the beginning of next year, I’ll be raising my prices for comic cover work so if you’d like to grab a cover from me before the year is over, just fill out this handy dandy form below and I’ll get back to you ASAP. The minimum right now is $350 but it’s going up to $375 next year. Inflation sucks.
Also, with the holiday season coming up, if you’d like me to draw something as a gift for someone, I’m down for that, wink wink. If you want gift art done in time for the holidays, you’ll have to let me know by the end of next week.
Here’s some covers I’ve done in the past, in case you want to see what I’m capable of.
And here’s some comic pages I’ve done.
I’m capable of doing lots of different styles so hit me up if you have an idea <3
Thanks so much for reading and have a great weekend!
I'm so happy for Snowflake! Yay!
If we look at marketing, especially in books, it's easy to see that people DO want to find things that are similar to a thing they like. I see in the fantasy subreddit all the time "can anyone recommend me something like this or that?" So even if your idea doesn't FEEL wholly original, it's okay because it might scratch an itch someone has from reading another thing!